Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Benefits from Offshore Outsourcing - Ecademy

Outsourcing is generally practiced in many countries today. It is considered as a lifesaver by business companies on the edge of financial suppression. The major reason for a company to find another contractor for their business is to save money. To outsource means to hand over a particular work or service to an employee that is outside of the corporation. They are called third-party companies. You have the option to hire a third-party company in the same place where your business is located or hire from another country.

What are the advantages of Outsourcing?

Outsourcing, as many business analysts say, is the last resort of companies facing a financial crisis. That does not necessarily mean that moving your operations offshore will not give you quality service. There is a positive way of looking at this option. It can help your company in a lot of ways in different aspects other than financial.

Transferring minimal work with third-party employees allows you to focus on your company's priorities. If you want to center on marketing and accounting details, leave the servicing part to your offshore team. This way, you can provide service to your clients 24/7 if you choose to offset your business like in Asia and the Philippines. Moreover, you can hire third-parties seasonally. Whenever the need for human resource arises, you can get in touch with your intermediary service provider and make a contract. It provides stability in the operations of the company. It's maximizes the productivity of your business and, in turn, maximizes your profits.
Whatever type of service it is that you need to assign to another company or another group of employees, make sure to hire a competent and trustworthy team to ensure quality service delivered.

The benefits of outsourcing to a third-party service provider

When a business company outsources one of their services in another country, they are outsourcing offshore. These service providers are usually based in Asia. Some of the leading human resource contributors are countries like India, Philippines, and China. The most popular outsourced service of companies in America and Europe is customer service. India and the Philippines are the top two countries that excel in the Call Centre Business. These offshore businesses also profit from outsourcing.

Since international companies need the maximum number of employees to work for them outside, they actually provide more jobs for people in offshore countries. Moreover, these companies are able to learn from the new skills that they can get from foreign professionals. Skills are also the reason they need to hire new people from new places. They can acquire new techniques and strategies that they do not possess within the company.


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How the 1 percent lives: Yes, the rich take more candy from kids, study finds (The Christian Science Monitor)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The Christian Science Monitor - A new study by the University of California at Berkeley suggests that the richer you are, the ruder and less ethical you are. One experiment tried to determine who is more likely to take candy from kids. You guessed it: the Daddy Warbucks type.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Small Business Marketing Consulting ? Cray Marketing | Inbound ...


Our small business marketing consulting services at will help you GROW YOUR BUSINESS NOW. The goal of all businesses is to grow, yet we know that not all experience the growth they hope for. To grow every company needs more leads, more prospects, more customers, and more repeat business. We will help you implement the world reknown Duct Tape Marketing system in your business. This is the very same system utilized by thousands of fast growing businesses around the world. Visit our small business marketing consulting website at http or contact Cray Marketing at (732) 951-2299. Small Business marketing consulting Charles Allen II shares 4 tips to help owners to increase traffic and sales conversions for business. Marketing is the life line of any business online or offline it?s the gas that gets your business in the fast line to be visible. Using SEO marketing, Facebook advertising, Video marketing, and Telephone sales you can build a stronger presence.



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Monday, February 27, 2012

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Twitter Marketing ? 3 Strategies To Market Your Business On Twitter Get exclusive strategies here: Learn how to build an audience on Twitter with a marketing strategy that will grow your business and produce more traffic and sales. The key to great Twitter marketing is staying consistent while using the most effective overall strategy geared towards achieving your specific goals. If you want to get more traffic using Twitter, you can. If you want to generate more leads, or sales, a solid Twitter marketing strategy can get it done. If you want to grow your business with proven Twitter marketing strategies, watch the following video for a step by step solution on exactly how to make it happen.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

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Brendan Wooldridge, 10, of St. Louis, developed sudden symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder after several bouts of strep. Years later, he was diagnosed with a rare disorder that finds a link between infections and mental illness.


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London Calling: Friends

Maybe the friendship lasted through the years, a lifetime, maybe it lasted a summer.

Sometimes you'd really make an effort to keep in touch (letters, phone calls, cards on special occasions).?

Mostly though apart from a handful of really special relationships friendships had a lifespan.?

The other thing, apart from pen-pals (and sometimes these form lasting friendships - but usually only if you met up) you always had met your friends.

Welcome to the 21st Century. You never need lose touch with anybody ever again. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and the rest... friends are everywhere. And not just people you've know for years and met IRL (as they used to say back in the babyhood of the internet; that's In Real Life). I have some great friends on Twitter and Facebook who I've never met. Many of these I know? because we share something in common; things as diverse as the part of London we live in, to a love of cats, to an obsession with a sports team, to being diagnosed with a debilitating illness.

I've not known these friends as long as my school friends, or friends I met through work or at University (or indeed my family) and our connections may not be as deep. They are no less friends though.

This was brought home to me over Christmas when one of my Twitter friends vanished. A great tweeter and I didn't hear from her for over a month. I was worried... like me she has an auto-immune disease and as far as my imagination was concerned anything could have happened.

Unlike Facebook and LinkedIn where people go by their full names on Twitter you just have a handle and don't even have to give your real name (I don't). This means my friend was lost to me.?

Happily she resurfaced, she hadn't been well (as suspected). These on-line friendships form communities though... and whilst looking for my lost friend I bumped into another concerned friend of hers and so I made a new friend.

Maybe not everyone views on-line friendships like this? Ask anyone, I'm addicted to Twitter (and less so Facebook).

It has to be said though, the increasing (and instant) inter-connectedness of seemingly just about everything fascinates me very much.


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Convert PSD to Joomla by CSS Chopper for effective CMS results.

Convert PSD to Joomla ? Internet is a reliable and the fastest means for searching any type of content. Even you can notice its popularity via the day by day increasing number of websites.

Today Joomla platform has proved itself to the most efficient CMS (Content Management System) among its competitors. Joomla has got the power for fast and efficient content publishing and updating. With easy to use interface, it permits you to smoothly manage, create, edit and publish the contents without having the sound knowledge of HTML programming. Hence, it gives you the freedom to manage your website without having technical background.

Convert PSD to Joomla for wonderful Joomla featured website with integrated user management features, multiple language support, media and folder files management, WYSIWYG editor, in built assistance section, easy navigation via search option, newsfeed and syndication management, banner set up via banner manager and lots more.

One can easily add, delete, edit, publish and manage the content of the website by using WYSIWYG editor, moreover you can add or modify other new webpages by implementing Joomla as your application platform.

Hence, to acquire a fully featured webpage, the conversion becomes necessary. However, PSD to Joomla conversion is little complex, tedious and time consuming. But once the conversion is over, you can gain brilliant website with full development support, for smooth handling. In order to grab reliable and efficient Joomla services, it is advised to take professional guidance or services.

The Joomla developer is versed with Joomla technology and has got sound experience to convert PSD to Joomla.

To avail the 100 percent unique featured website or web portal, Joomla is the right destination where you can gain top quality W3C complaint standard, precisely structured clean codes, cross browser compatibility, pixel perfect hand coding, SEO friendly etc. features with suiting an economical budget.

In addition, Joomla lets you to easily manage all your website content like documents, graphics etc. through safe and secure admin panel. Via Admin system, one can generate more SEO friendly web page by adding, editing, creating content by using more relevant keywords and tags. Joomla comes up with the time to time improvised version for providing more efficient usage. Adding and updating new Joomla extensions become extremely easy and quick with its Joomla extensions page feature. Some of the plug-ins and extensions are for free while for others you may have to pay.

There are many benefits of using Joomla platform including its core customization. By hiring proficient Joomla developer, the customization can be more effective and efficient. There are tons of web development service providers are available in the development industry. One such pioneered web development service provider is CSS Chopper, who delivers avant-guard PSD to Joomla services. Joomla gives you fully featured web development with great ease and functionality. To gain information on convert PSD to Joomla, refer this web address.


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Friday, February 24, 2012

SEO Basics Video Course -1- Local Business ... - Internet Business

This is a two-part SEO video course for local business owners. In this part we will be covering

  1. How to please Google Human Reviewers
  2. SEO Terms Defined
  3. 5 Tips on how to choose your local business domain name
  4. How to analyze your local business competitors
  5. How to structure your website content for better SEO
  6. How to do proper keyword research for your local business
  7. Top Positive SEO factors that will boost your rankings
  8. Top Negative SEO Factors that will ruin your rankings


One of the real tests to maintaining your page 1 rankings for any particular keyword is being able to please Google?s human reviewers. With the top 3 ranking sites getting 80% of the user?s clicks, Google wants to make sure that they get quality information and therefore these top ranking sites will get manually reviewed by Google Staff.

What this means is that once your site hits those top positions, a Google staff member is going to open your website and manually read through your content to see if you are offering genuine and valuable information. This is a way to stop internet marketers from gaming the system to get high rankings yet having nonsensical content on their websites that doesn?t benefit the end user.

Here are a few tips to make sure your local business website aces this human review test:

1. Look like a real business- this may seem obvious to you, but there are so many people trying to make a dime online that you need to look as legitimate as possible to the human reviewer. They need to know that you are a real business so make sure you include details such as:

  • Your physical address ? you may want to include a Google map
  • Your postal address
  • Your phone contacts
  • Your business accreditations to professional bodies

2. Have well designed and organized layout- this doesn?t mean you need to have a website design worth thousands of dollars, but you also don?t want your site to look cheap and spammy. Make sure you always include a privacy policy page, about us page and contact page. Organizing your content into categories is a good idea too such as services, products, menu, online shop etc.

3. Post real customer reviews and testimonials and have multiple posts about them. You can include photos, videos and excerpts from your customers.

4. Do not litter your website with too much commercial content such as advertisements. A good question to ask your self is- ?If all the advertisements and ecommerce content was removed, how much content would be left for a visitor??

5. Avoid the temptation to overstuff your keywords all over your website content in your titles, page URLs and article content. This will appear fake and spammy to the human reviewer.

6. Encourage genuine online participation on your website by allowing blog commenting or installing a forum as this shows that your website adds true value to users by providing them a place to communicate with you or others. It could be as simple as having a section where users can ask you questions about your niche. For example, if you run a plumbing service, you can have a blog forum where people can ask you questions about any plumbing issues they may be having problems with.



One of the most confusing aspects of marketing your local business online is trying to understand the various internet marketing terms. Here are some SEO terms and their definition to help shed some light.

  • SEO ? this stands for Search Engine Optimization and is a general term used to describe methods and strategies that will help your site rank better in the search engine listings.
  • On page SEO- these are methods and strategies a site owner uses internally on their own site to help their site rank better.
  • Off page SEO- this covers methods and strategies a site owner uses externally on other people?s websites and blogs to help his website rank better.
  • Backlinking- this off page SEO method involves creating links on other people?s websites that point to your website. These links are called back links.
  • No follow links- these are backlinks that do not carry the ?power/authority? of the page rank of the site they are located on.
  • Do follow links- these are backlinks that have the page rank of the site they are located on flowing through them to the back linked site.
  • White hat SEO ? these are ethical SEO tactics used by a site owner to promote his site, that are looked upon favorably by search engines
  • Black hat SEO- these are unethical SEO tactics used by a site owner to promote his site, which are not desirable and may result in getting banned by search engines.
  • Backlink profile ? this refers to the mixture of the different type of backlinks a webmaster uses.
  • Backlink Value- this is a calculation of the power of the backlinks a site owner has build. It equals the number of backlinks built? multiplied by the strength of each backlink( based on the page rank of the site where the backlink is built)
  • Anchor Text- this is the clickable part of text within an article or other piece of content which when clicked will direct the user to another page or site.
  • Page Rank ? this is a search engines measure of a webpage?s authority on a scale of 0 to 10. Search engines rank individual web pages not websites as a whole.
  • Contextual links ? these are back links that are embedded within the text of piece of content and are surrounded by other content. They are the most powerful type of backlinks especially if they appear on a sites homepage.
  • Keyword density- the number of times a keyword appears in a piece of content, expressed as a percentage. The ideal mark is 3%.
  • Outbound Links- these are links a website owner creates from his website to external websites as opposed to a backlink that links from external sites to his site.

Indexing ? a term used to describe when a search engine finds content on the web and lists it in its search results. Some content gets indexed faster than other types



Your local business domain name or website address is one of the key components in any SEO strategy. If you haven?t registered a domain name, here are a few tips to guide you in choosing one:

  1. Whatever domain name you choose, make sure it ends in .com. However if that is not possible you can also use .org and .net extensions. These three extensions are the best ones to use for theUSonline market.
  2. Avoid using hyphenated domain names. For example, just because you the domain name is already taken, don?t register a hyphenated version like www.doctors-innewyork or www.doctors-in-newyork. Hyphenated domains don?t give the impression of being authority domain and have a low grade image in SEO. Instead try adding a prefix or suffix such as or Needless to say if you really want to hyphenate, use no more than 1-2 hyphens.
  3. Keep your domain names short and don?t elongate them to longer than 3 or 4 words. For example if you run a hardware shop called ?Anthony Bradley and Sons Hardware & Electricals?, you may want to use or You definitely don?t want to register!
  4. Even if you operate as franchise or dealership for a major company, avoid using branded company names in your domain as this is illegal and you could get sued. If you want to use brand names in your domain always get written permission from the brand owners.
  5. It?s wise to build a site using your keywords in the domain for additional SEO leverage. Let?s say you run a pizza joint called Papa Pedro?s Pizza and your keywords ?pizza in nyc?, it would make sense to register both and In this way you can have multiple website rankings from one keyword using the two sites. Just imagine if you registered all your keywords as domains- you could easily own the first page of Google for those keywords with proper SEO!


After doing your keyword research to find the best keywords to use on your local business website, a very critical step is to analyze your competition for each of those keywords on the first page of Google. The true litmus test of a good keyword is whether you will be able to rank for it easily in about 1 to 3 months. If a keyword is very competitive it could take 6 months to 1 year to see your website on Page 1 of Google for that keyword. Therefore analyzing your competition will help you choose the best keywords that match your financial and time resources.

Here are some tips on how to analyze your competition for each keyword:

  1. First of all install SEO Quake on your Firefox browser. This tool will give you important statistics on the each and every search engine result.
  2. Enter your keyword term in the search engine. It?s best to use Google since it has the lion?s share of search engine users. Just type in the keyword in plain text and do not use any quotation marks.
  3. Focus on analyzing the first page results and particularly the top 3 results since these get 80% of the clicks. After all this is where you want to see your website ranking.
  4. First check the page rank of the sites that are currently ranking on page 1 using the SEO Quake tool. If a majority of the sites, especially the top 3 have page rank of 4 or under, that is a green light. However if you see page ranks of 5 and above, then that term is very competitive and will take your 6 months plus to get decent rankings.
  5. Next check the number of backlinks that each site has. If the sites have 100 or less backlinks that is a good sign but if the backlinks are over 500 or several thousand, then we may want to drop that keyword. Remember we are looking at backlinks to the page/article and not the website. A website can have many backlinks pointing to its domain or homepage, but not to the page that is currently ranking.
  6. Next we want to analyze these backlinks to see if they are from sites with high page rank. If you click on the backlinks link under the result, a new window will open that lists the backlink sources. Look through the list and take note of the page rank of each result. If these are from low page ranks such as 0 to 2, then that shows these are of lower quality and will be easy to outrank if you use better quality backlinks.


How you structure your website content is one of the keys that ensures your on page SEO is a success. Here are a few tips on how to organize your content correctly that will score you points with the search engines:

  1. The length of your articles ? gone are the days when a 300 or 500 word article was enough. In the post Panda era, 1000 word plus articles are the new standard. Make your content interesting and readable with plenty of sub headlines, bullet points, images and video so that it is user-friendly.
  2. Use unique content ? duplicated content is a big no-no, so stay away from PLR (public label rights) articles that everyone has access to. Using your own knowledge of your business you can come up with interesting and original articles, but if you can?t do this, then invest in a quality article writing service to produce your content for you.
  3. Keyword density- its best to keep your keyword density low at about 3%. This means that your keyword should appear no more than 3 times for every 100 words of text. If your stuff your keyword in the text, titles,Meta tags and alt tags, it will do you more harm than good.
  4. Internal backlinks ? make sure to create internal backlinks on all your content. This means that you create interconnecting links from one page to the next, especially from your home page to the inner pages. This shows the search engines that all the pages on your site are interrelated to each other and improves your SEO.
  5. Keyword placement- when writing your article, it is important to place your keyword in certain strategic areas:
    • In your main title
    • In your first sentence, preferable towards the beginning of the sentence
    • 2-3 times in the body of the text especially in sub-headlines
    • In the last paragraph
  1. Outbound links- it is equally important to have at least one outbound link in every article. An outbound link is a link to an external website from your site. The best types of outbound links are to high Page rank sites with a lot of authority and trust such as websites run by universities, government agencies and media outlets. All you need to do is find an article on these sites that is related to the content on your site and link to it.



Keyword research is the foundation of your websites on page SEO. Get it wrong and all your online marketing efforts will be wasted. Get it right and you?ll witness better search engine rankings, more traffic and increased business. Proper keyword research can give you a huge jumpstart and make you leap ahead of your competitors, while poor keyword research will leave you financially crippled even after many months of hard work.

Here are some tips on how to do proper keyword research for your business:

1. Come up with a number of combinations-the first step in keyword research is to list all the possible different combinations of keywords that your potential customer would use in a Google/Bing/Yahoo search. For local businesses, the most common combinations are based on:

  • The geographical location you operate in E.g. town, county, city, state, zip code, streets/avenues
  • Your profession e.g. dentist, barber, nurse
  • the kind of services you offer e.g. Lasik surgery, daycare
  • the products you sell e.g. Jewellery, Chinese food, used Nissan Maxima

By combining these factors together you can build a list of possible keywords. For example a car dealer can build a list of possible keywords such as:

  • Nissan dealer 5th Avenue
  • Nissan dealerAustincounty
  • Used Nissan Maxima for sale inAustin
  • Nissan repair service

2. Use Google?s Keyword Tool to do further research on your list of keywords and choose the keywords that:

  • Have the highest search volumes per month
  • Have a buyer intent e.g. cheap cars Austin, emergency plumber
  • Have longtail keywords ? these usually have less competition and since they are usually several in number, you can use them to build additional pages on your site so that your business website looks like an authority. An example of a long tail keyword is ?where to buy Nissan Maxima inAustin,TX?

3. Using your list of the best 10-20 keywords, have a separate page/post written for each keyword or combine related keywords into one page. You can also use your keywords to help create different categories on your websites with pages assigned to each category.



There are certain factors that Google, Yahoo and Bing and other search engines place great importance on that when properly applied can positively boost your rankings.

1. Keyword Factors

  • Include your keywords in the title tag as this important text is what shows in the search engine results as your page title. Let the title tag be no longer than 6-7 words and make the keyword appear near the beginning.
  • Include your keywords in your URL so make sure your permalink settings are correct. E.g. If your keyword is ?Nissan dealer inBoston?, the post URL about that keyword should be
  • Check that your keyword density is between 3-7% and doesn?t cross into the danger zone of over 10%.
  • Use your keywords as the anchor text in your backlinks
  • Use your keywords in sub headings or in the <H1>, <H2> tags

2. Backlink Factors

  • Back links are one of the most important factors to get good rankings so use your keywords as the anchor text.
  • Backlink from reputable sites with high Page rank and that have been around for some time as search engines place a value on the origin of your? backlinks
  • Try and get backlinks from sites in a similar niche as it shows that sites within that niche are voting for you.
  • Get valuable and highly rated .edu and .gov backlinks as they are more weighty and harder to get.
  • Get a good number of backlinks to your site, while paying attention to their quality too.

3. Content Factors

  • Search engines value relevant and unique content that differs from what is found on other sites.
  • Get into the habit of consistently adding new content as this will help getting your content indexed plus new content is favored by search engines more than old content.
  • Format your content using larger font, bold and italics o that your keywords and other important words are emphasized.

4. Domains and URLS

  • URLs for domains and files that are keyword rich are very important.
  • Make sure your site is fully accessible for indexing. There should be no broken links, errors, password-protected areas that make it difficult for search engines to index.
  • Your website should have a sitemap (in whatever format) as search engines spiders love to crawl them.
  • Build a large site instead of a small mini- site as these bigger sites are seen more as an authority by the search engines. You can do this by building up your keyword list with a lot of long tail keywords and structuring your content around categories.
  • Older domains are more trusted by search engines than brand spanking new ones, so when you can try and buy old/aged domains at domain auctions or from other businesses.



There are certain SEO factors that are not looked upon favorably by the major search engines and that can ruin your search engine rankings.

Keyword Factors:

  1. Keyword Stuffing- this is the worst practice to do as it results in an artificial keyword density of over 10% and may result in getting your site banned from the search engines.
  2. Keyword dilution- this is when you are trying to SEO for an excessive number of keywords and most of the time the keywords are unrelated to one another. For example if you run a local bakery and your main keyword is ?bakery in Tulsa?, trying to target 500 keywords on one site and? targeting keywords such as includes ?shoe stores in Tulsa? is keyword dilution.

Link Factors

  1. Try to avoid having too many outbound links from your site to other sites because the search engines will think you are involved in link buying or spamming. One outbound link per article to an authority site is about right.
  2. Outbound links to suspicious or unethical sites will tremendously hurt your rankings.
  3. Cross linking is a big no-no as far as SEO is concerned and will result in getting your site penalized. Cross linking is when your site links to site A and site A links to site B and site B links back to your site.

Content Factors

  1. -Duplicate content is one of the most negative factors that can result in penalties. You should never have the same content on several pages of your website.
  2. If you use Flash for movies on your site, remember that search engine spiders can?t index this content so provide a written description to accompany the movie.
  3. Do not use Flash as the sole content on your homepage or any other page. Even though it looks artistic and beautiful, it is SEO suicide since those pages will not get indexed.

Domain and URL Factors

  1. Redirects such as 301s and 302s are sometimes seen as black hat SEO techniques and can hurt your rankings. But they are completely valid for the purpose the have been designed to. HTTP?301 is a permanent redirect, telling the search engines that a page or domain have permanently moved to a different direction. With the 301 the new domain/page inherits the value of the the originals. HTTP 302 is similar to HTTP?301, but ?a temporary redirect, and has not the same ?heritage? power as HTTP 301; why should a temporal page inherit the SEO value of the original?
  2. If you have a poor hosting services provider with a downtime below 97-98%, your content will have lower indexing rates and your pages will not get ranked.

That?s it for the first part. The second video course , SEO Basics Video Course -2- Backlink Building Strategies,?will go into another principal aspect of Search Engine Optimization, off-site SEO commonly known as (back)link building. It comprises the following chapters with the corresponding videos.

  1. 4 Tips on How to structure your backlinking campaign
  2. 6 Qualities of a good backlink
  3. How to build backlinks from Article directories
  4. How to build Press Release backlinks
  5. How to build blog commenting backlinks
  6. How to build blog network backlinks
  7. How to build guest blogging backlinks
  8. How to build forum backlinks
  9. How to build web 2.0 Backlinks
  10. How to build Edu and Gov backlinks
  11. How to Build Social Bookmarking Backlinks
  12. How to build RSS Backlinks

Well! That?s it for part 1 of the SEO Basics Video Tutorial Course.?If you liked what you have seen, please do not forget to spread the word and share it with your friends. Below you will find Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Google +1 button?


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Apple, Analysts, Bloggers, and Stocks: An Explanation of the Insider Trading Allegations Against Kinnucan

Late last week, the feds showed up at the home of John Kinnucan and arrested him on charges related to insider trading.

John Kinnucan is an equity analyst who founded his own research firm, Broadband Research, LLC. Firms like this employ analysts to do research on stocks. They then ?sell? that research to institutional investors. In case the term ?institutional investor? is new to you, it just means hedge funds, mutual funds, pension funds, or any other ?professional? money manager.


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012 Estimated Value $2764.80 USD ? Saul, saul ewing, law ...

On average, is ranked #1,306,014 across major traffic ranking services such as Alexa. This metric shows the popularity of this site compared to other sites around the web. It domain created on 1995-05-09. It reaches roughly 384 unique users each day. Visitors to the site view an average of 2.6 unique pages per day. Estimated daily time on site 02:12 seconds. It has an average of 8,260 pages indexed in major search engines like Google?. There are an average of 270 links pointing back to from other websites.
With the daily ads revenue: $8 USD. It has an estimated value of $2,765 USD. Out of the 30 unique keywords found on, "gary friedman tax attorney" was the most dense. The site is currently hosted in Manhattan KS in United States on a server with the IP which is hosted by Rackspace Hosting. This site has Google PageRank? 5 of 10.

Website Information


Welcome to Saul Ewing LLP


Saul Ewing is a regional Mid-Atlantic law firm. We provide our clients with a broad range of sophisticated legal services in complex, high-profile matters. Further, with offices in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and the District of Columbia, our regional footprint and our established relationships with high-level decision-makers in the Mid-Atlantic region?s business, government, and legal realms uniquely position us to advise our clients on the region?s laws, policies, and practices.


Atlantic, Bankruptcy, Business, Environmental, Estate, Estates, Ewing, Finance, Firm, Law, Legal, Litigation, Mid, Personal, Practice, Public, Real, Saul, Trusts, Wealth

Estimated Data

Daily Visits:

The amount of user?s traffic during 24 hours.
We use widestat algorithm with our own data to calculate visits quantity.

Monthly Visits:

The amount of user?s traffic during 1 month.
We use widestat algorithm with our own data to calculate visits quantity.

Daily Revenue:

The estimated cost of daily income from contextual advertising allocation.
$7.68 USD

Monthly Revenue:

The estimated cost of monthly income from contextual advertising allocation.
$230.40 USD

Summary Stats

Alexa Rank:

Alexa Rank is combined rating, that takes into account both the quantity of users and the quantity of website?s page views.
The lower Alexa Rank index is the better. The best website has maximum rank 1.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Rick Ross Proves He's Bawse As Hottest MC In The Game

Even without his own album, Rozay owned 2011 and topped our Hottest MCs in the Game list.
By MTV News staff

Rick Ross
Photo: MTV News / Getty Images

When Rick Ross experiences a personal moment of triumph, a hearty grunt typically marks the occasion. Built up from the bowels of his belly, Rozay's baritone call has become as ubiquitous as his titillating one-liners — not that a simple ad-lib is the only thing that earned Rick Ross the #1 spot on MTV News' Hottest MCs in the Game VII list, his first time up top.

Rozay was on pace to release his fifth studio album until he faced a pair of "minor setbacks," as he so poetically dubs the two seizures he suffered in October.

"God Forgives, I Don't was slated to come out in 2011, and he had the two seizures, and we thought it was going to make him fall back completely — but he came back and hit us with Rich Forever," MTV News senior hip-hop writer Rob Markman pointed out during the Hottest debate.

Want to join the debate? Just hit us on Twitter using the hashtag #HottestMC!

The truth is, Rozay's 2011 reign didn't hinge on an album release. The Bawse set things up properly in February of last year when he signed his Maybach Music Group record label over to Warner Music Group and scooped up newcomer Meek Mill (this year's #7 Hottest MC), Wale (#10) and later Stalley. Musically, Ricky Ro put his team in position to dominate with the label compilation Self Made, Vol. 1. Rather than taking all the shine, Ross passed the baton to Meek, who delivered "Ima Boss" and "Tupac Back." Wale contributed the rhythmic gem "That Way," and even ousted MMG spitter Pill logged serious miles on the LP.


Album: Self Made, Vol. 1, with Maybach Music Group

Selected Mixtapes: Rich Forever

Singles: "You the Boss" (featuring Nicki Minaj), "I Love My Bitches"

Street Bangers: "9 Piece" (featuring Lil Wayne), "Stay Schemin' " (featuring Drake and French Montana), "Yella Diamonds"

Key Guest Appearances: DJ Khaled's "I'm on One," Meek Mill's "Ima Boss," Lil Wayne's "John," French Montana's "Shot Caller" remix, Drake's "Lord Knows"

Meteoric Metrics: Ross established his Maybach Music Group brand as its CEO when he notched two #1 rap albums with Wale's Ambition and MMG's Self Made, Vol. 1

Business Ventures: Despite having a solo deal with Def Jam, Ross bossed up and took his MMG label to Warner Music Group, signing Wale, Meek Mill and Stalley.

Tours: Rozay joined Wayne on his I Am Still Music Tour

Monumental Moment: Ross is no stranger to success as a solo artist, but after he signed his MMG label to Warner, he truly became a boss!

Forecast: To be able to dominate 2011 without a solo album released is an amazing feat for Ross. With God Forgives, I Don't on the way and a possible collabo mixtape with Drake, the Double-M-Genius may be going for the repeat.

"You wouldn't even know that he didn't have an album out [early last year], because he was all over the radio," said Rahman Dukes, director of hip-hop news at MTV News.

Whether on his own singles ("You the Boss," "I Love My Bitches") or on tracks that he was featured on, the M-I-Yayo MC turned in multiple unforgettable performances. "Ima Boss" was technically Meek's song, but the casual listener may have missed that fact. Lil Wayne's "John" was basically a remix of the 2010 Ross track "I'm Not a Star," and on the summer anthem "I'm on One," Rozay flexed his muscle alongside Drake and Weezy.

"Rick Ross makes raw records, he makes street records. When he gets on a verse, his beat selection is impeccable," MTV Jams' Tuma Basa said, before pointing to Ross' star-making ability with Meek and Wale. "He's making other people hot, and these are people, without Ross, may not have been on this list. They're on this list thanks to Ross."

It's deeper than rap with the Double-M-Genius. Beyond the studio, the Bawse proved his worth in the boardroom as well. "I don't think any artist did a better job of branding than Rick Ross," said MTV RapFix blog editor Nadeska Alexis. "He was just a marketing genius this year, and you gotta give it to the man."

Ross meets all the criteria to be considered the Hottest MC in the Game. His impact is irrefutable: Even without a solo album, he maintained a healthy and consistent buzz throughout the year, notching a #1 rap album with his Self Made compilation. Lyrically, Rozay has grown from his "Hustlin' " days and become one of the game's most celebrated spitters, and his swag is through the roof. Check his big-boned, shirtless confidence, immaculately groomed beard and top-of-the-line designer-sunglass collection.

If that weren't enough, the rotund Rozay cemented his #1 spot in January when he dropped his free 19-song Rich Forever mixtape. While there is no SoundScan or Billboard chart that can measure its impact, with Rich Forever, Ross proved in this era of overdone crossover singles that rap still rules.

"Rick Ross, I think, provides hope to that MC, to that kid growing up who just wants to rap and make street music and say, 'You know what? In this world where hip-hop has become pop, you can still just rap,' " Markman said.

Insert Rick Ross grunt here!

What do you think of our list? Sound off on MTV News' "Hottest MCs in the Game VII" using the hashtag #HottestMC!

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

APNewsBreak: FDA to review inhalable caffeine

FILE - In this Monday, Jan. 23, 2012 still file photo taken from video, students try free samples of AeroShot, an inhalable caffeine packed in a lipstick-sized canister, on the campus of Northeastern University in Boston. The Food and Drug Administration will investigate the safety and legality of the product created by Harvard biomedical engineering professor David Edwards. (AP Photo/Rodrique Ngowi, File)

FILE - In this Monday, Jan. 23, 2012 still file photo taken from video, students try free samples of AeroShot, an inhalable caffeine packed in a lipstick-sized canister, on the campus of Northeastern University in Boston. The Food and Drug Administration will investigate the safety and legality of the product created by Harvard biomedical engineering professor David Edwards. (AP Photo/Rodrique Ngowi, File)

In this Feb. 7, 2012 file photo, a woman holds an AeroShot inhalable caffeine device in Boston. The Food and Drug Administration will investigate the safety and legality of the product, created by Harvard biomedical engineering professor David Edwards. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa)

This Monday, Jan. 23, 2012 still file photo taken from video shows Harvard biomedical engineering professor David Edwards, creator of AeroShot, during an interview at Breathable Foods Lab, Inc., in Cambridge, Mass. The Food and Drug Administration will investigate the safety and legality of the product, an inhalable caffeine packed in a lipstick-sized canister. (AP Photo/Rodrique Ngowi, File)

(AP) ? U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials plan to investigate whether inhalable caffeine sold in lipstick-sized canisters is safe for consumers and if its manufacturer was right to brand it as a dietary supplement.

AeroShot went on the market late last month in Massachusetts and New York, and it's also available in France. Consumers put one end of the canister in their mouths and breathe in, releasing a fine powder that dissolves almost instantly.

Each grey-and-yellow plastic canister contains B vitamins, plus 100 milligrams of caffeine powder, about the equivalent of the caffeine in a large cup of coffee.

AeroShot inventor, Harvard biomedical engineering professor David Edwards, says the product is safe and doesn't contain taurine and other common additives used to enhance the caffeine effect in energy drinks.

AeroShot didn't require FDA review before hitting the U.S. market because it's sold as a dietary supplement. But New York's U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer said he met with FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg and she agreed to review the safety and legality of AeroShot.

"I am worried about how a product like this impacts kids and teens, who are particularly vulnerable to overusing a product that allows one to take hit after hit after hit, in rapid succession," Schumer said.

The senator on Sunday planned to announce the AeroShot review.

Meanwhile, an FDA official who was at the meeting confirmed the decision, telling The Associated Press that the review will include a study of the law to determine whether AeroShot qualifies as a dietary supplement. The product will also be tested to figure out whether it's safe for consumption, the official said.

The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because that official was not authorized to discuss the matter.

Schumer pressed the FDA in December to review AeroShot, saying he fears that it will be used as a club drug so that young people can keep going until they drop. He cited incidents that occurred last year when students looking for a quick and cheap buzz began consuming caffeine-packed alcoholic drinks they dubbed "blackout in a can" because of their potency.

Pressure from the senator and others helped persuade the FDA to stop the marketing, distribution and sale of these beverages, including Four Loko.

"We need to make sure that AeroShot does not become the next Four Loko by facilitating dangerous levels of drinking among teenagers and college students," Schumer said in a statement.

Breathable Foods Inc., which makes AeroShot in France, says the product is different from the potent beverages. The company says that it's not targeting anyone under 18 and that AeroShot safely delivers caffeine into the mouth, just like coffee does.

A single unit costs $2.99 at convenience stores, mom-and-pops, and liquor and online stores. The product packaging warns people not to consume more than three AeroShots a day.

"When used in accordance with its label, AeroShot provides a safe shot of caffeine and B vitamins for ingestion," the manufacturer says on its website. "Caffeine has been proven to offer a variety of potential benefits for health to individuals when consumed in moderation, from providing energy to enhancing attention and focus."

AeroShot, the flagship product of Cambridge, Mass.-based Breathable Foods, is the product of a conversation that Edwards had with celebrity French chef Thierry Marks over lunch in the summer of 2007.

The first venture Edwards worked on with Harvard students was the breathable chocolate, called Le Whif. Now he's preparing to promote a product called Le Whaf, which involves putting food and drinks in futuristic-looking glass bowls and turning them into low calorie clouds of flavor.


Rodrique Ngowi can be reached at

Associated Press


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Miley Cyrus Performs Bob Dylan Cover on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Miley Cyrus took a break this week from her and Liam Hemsworth's battle against Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev to perform on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

The 19-year old took to the talk show stage to once again give her take on the Bob Dylan classic, "You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go."

Other artists taking part on the CD include Adele, Ke$ha, Sting, Patti Smith, My Morning Jacket, My Chemical Romance and Queens Of The Stone Age.

Pretty impressive company for Miley to be included in, no doubt. Watch her performance from Wednesday night's JKL now:


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Panetta: No Iranian decision yet on nukes (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., right, accompanied by Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, I-Conn., lead a bi-partisan group of senators in supporting President Obama's sanctions against Iran for pursuing nuclear weapons, Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012, during a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington.  (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)AP - Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Thursday that U.S. intelligence shows Iran is enriching uranium in a disputed nuclear program but that Tehran has not made a decision on whether to proceed with development of an atomic bomb.


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Friday, February 17, 2012

Ex-Google CEO Schmidt to sell up to 2.4M shares

(AP) ? Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt plans to sell up to 2.4 million shares of stock currently worth nearly $1.5 billion.

Schmidt, now Google's executive chairman, intends to stagger the sales of the stock over a one-year period. Google disclosed Schmidt's plans in a Friday regulatory filing. The company said Schmidt, 56, is trying to raise some money and diversify his investment portfolio.

If all 2.4 million shares of stock are sold, that will reduce Schmidt's stake in Google Inc. from 2.8 percent to 2.1 percent.

Schmidt's decision to sell some of his shares comes 10 months after he ended his 10-year stint as Google's CEO and turned the job over to one of the Internet search leader's co-founders, Larry Page.

Page and co-founder Sergey Brin filed plans to sell 5 million Google shares apiece in 2010. Those sales are scheduled to be completed in 2015.

Together, Page, Brin and Schmidt hold the majority of shareholder voting power at Google. They will retain that control even after they reduce their stakes. All three have been billionaires since Google went public in 2004.

Google shares fell $1.88 Friday to close at $604.64. The company disclosed Schmidt's plans to lower his holdings after the stock market closed. The shares fell 44 cents after hours.

Associated Press


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Apple v. Samsung: Cupertino's latest complaint alleges 17 devices infringe 8 of its patents

Apple v. Samsung: Cupertino's latest complaint alleges 17 devices infringe 8 of its patentsWe were waiting for the details of Apple's new lawsuit in its global battle against Samsung, and now that the court has posted the complaint, we have them. These fresh allegations claim Sammy has... you guessed it, infringed upon Apple's intellectual property. Turns out, there are eight patents at issue, with four of the patents in question having been granted since the last time Apple filed suit against the Korean firm. Among these are patents for missed call management, slide-to-unlock and data-syncing technology. Apple isn't just targeting the Galaxy Nexus with this suit as previously thought, either. In fact, at least 17 devices are alleged to have infringed, including all the US Galaxy S II variants, both the Galaxy Player 4.0 and 5.0, the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus and Galaxy Tab 8.9. So, should the Northern District of California decide to grant Apple's request for a preliminary injunction, a hefty chunk of Samsung's mobile products will be barred from store shelves here in the States. It'll be a bit before we hear Sammy's side of the story, but for now, you can see all of Apple's latest legal arguments below.

Apple v. Samsung: Cupertino's latest complaint alleges 17 devices infringe 8 of its patents originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 16 Feb 2012 01:24:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rethinking Jewish Law&#39;s Call For Female Modesty - FailedMessiah ...

A Modesty Proposal: Rethinking Tseniut
Understanding the laws of modesty in modern society
Rabbi Marc D. Angel ??Conversations (the journal of Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals)

The Torah provides a framework for sexual morality. Its legal prescriptions specify forbidden relationships; its narratives describe behavior and dress that reflect attitudes relating to sexuality and modesty.

The Torah?s view of sexual relationships might best be seen as fulfilling the overarching command that we be a holy people (vaYikra 19:2). Indeed, Rashi, in his commentary on this verse, identifies holiness with separation from forbidden sexual relationships.

However, the Torah does not enumerate rules relating to modesty in thought, dress, and speech. For example, it does not state how much of a person?s body needs to be covered, and gives no measurements for sleeve lengths or skirt sizes. Nor does it present specific rules relating to ?hirhurim??erotic thoughts; nor to ?mehitsot? separating men and women at public gatherings; nor to the general?non-sexual?interrelationships of men and women. Rather, these rules are inferred from the mandate to be holy?to separate ourselves from sin, including sin of a sexual nature.

The Philosophy of Tseniut

The Talmud and later rabbinic literature provide additional material relating to sexual conduct in general, and tseniut (modesty) in particular. An aim of tseniut is to diminish the possibility of improper sexual temptations that could lead to sinful behavior. The human sexual drive is quite powerful, and the tseniut laws are intended to keep that drive under control.

Tseniut, though, is not simply a system of prevention from sin. Rather, it encompasses a positive philosophy relating to the nature of human beings. While acknowledging the power of human sexuality, tseniut teaches that human beings are more than mere sexual beings.

In his famous book, I and Thou, the philosopher Martin Buber pointed out that ideal human relationships involve mutual knowledge and respect, where people treat themselves and others as valuable persons?not as things. Tseniut, in fact, seeks to foster the highest form of I-Thou relationship. By insisting on modest dress and behavior, the laws of tseniut promote a framework for human relationships that transcends the physical/sexual aspects.

Non-tseniut behavior signals a person?s desire to be seen as an object of sexual attraction. People who dress in a sexually provocative way are interested in being noticed, in exciting the sexual interest of others. When people dress provocatively, what they are communicating is: notice me, I crave your attention, please don?t ignore me. Underlying this non-vocalized plea is the feeling that one will not be noticed unless he/she is prepared to become an object of attention or unless he/she conforms to the prevailing fashions, even if those fashions violate one?s sense of decency and propriety.1

It is normal and natural for people to want to appear pleasing to others. That is why they spend so much time and money on clothing and grooming. If one dresses nicely, neatly, and modestly, one may take pride and satisfaction in his/her appearance. If, though, one specifically dresses or behaves in a manner that is aimed at arousing sexual attention, then he/she has crossed into the non-tseniut mode. One has chosen to be an object a thing,rather than a Thou.

Why would people willingly dress or act in a manner as to make themselves into objects? The answer is that they want to be noticed, admired, longed for. They think that by presenting themselves as objects, they will more likely achieve these goals. They demand less of themselves and of others; no commitment or serious dialogue is invited or expected.

Human beings all have feelings of insecurity; we need to be needed, appreciated, and loved. Although these tendencies are often exacerbated in teenagers, they continue to exist throughout adult life. Exhibitionism is a short-cut to gaining the attention?and hopefully the affection?of others. Yet, underneath the veneer of showiness is a layer of essential insecurity, loneliness, and dissatisfaction with self. Exhibitionism may gain the attention of others, but it does not gain their respect and love.

Dr. Norman Lamm has written: ?One who lacks the sense of inner dignity and worth will expose himself [or herself], as if to say, ?Look at me. Am I not beautiful? Am I not smart? Do you not like me?? The lack of inner dignity leads to exhibitionism, the opposite of modesty, whereas a sense of inner dignity will normally result in the practice of modesty.?2

Tseniut, then, should be understood as a framework for maintaining our human dignity. It teaches us to treat ourselves and others as valuable human beings, not as objects. Non-tseniut behavior and dress serve to diminish our full humanity, reducing us to the level of objects of sexuality. Tseniut is a manifestation of holiness. Exhibitionism is a manifestation of crudeness and feelings of insecurity.

The Technicalities of Tseniut

It is important for us to understand the underlying assumptions of the ancient and medieval halakhic sources. The early rabbinic opinions on the topic of tseniut emerged from a context where women?Jewish and non-Jewish?were deemed to be subservient to men. The operative principle was that the honor of a princess, i.e. a dignified woman, is for her to remain in private. Women were to stay home to the extent possible. When they appeared in public, they were to be dressed in such a way as not to attract the attention of men. Women generally were not given the same educational opportunities as men, nor were they encouraged or generally allowed to participate in public life or to have authority over men. Women?s role was to care for the household, have children, and maintain piety and modesty.

Classic rabbinic literature assumes that women are primarily a source of sexual temptation to men, and that women should therefore dress and conduct themselves so as not to arouse men?s passions. Discussions of the laws of tseniut often tend to focus on specific details of what constitutes modest and immodest dress and behavior. Rabbi Yehuda Henkin, in his book Understanding Tzniut, cites talmudic and later rabbinic sources dealing with such issues as what parts of a woman?s body constitute nakedness; how much of a woman?s body needs to be covered; the ervah (nakedness) of a woman?s leg, voice, and hair. He also discusses sociological conditions that may impact on the boundaries of modesty.3

The discussion in Berakhot 24a is reflective of the prevailing talmudic attitude:

Rabbi Yitzhak said: An [uncovered] tefah (hand?s breadth) in a woman is nakedness (ervah)?.Did not Rabbi Shesheth say that anyone [i.e. any man] who gazes even at a woman?s little finger is as though he gazes at her private parts?... Rabbi Hisda said a woman?s leg (shok) is ervah? Shemuel said that a woman?s voice is ervah?. Rabbi Shesheth said a woman?s hair is ervah.4

This passage, and others of the same tenor, operate with the following tacit assumption. Because women?s body, hair, and voice are so alluring to men, women are to cover themselves up to the extent possible, and are not to use their voices in a way that might arouse men. Halakhic literature contains various opinions as to how to apply the tseniut rulings?but by and large, the general assumptions outlined above are taken for granted.

Yet, let us delve a bit more carefully into these assumptions.

1. Women today are no longer relegated to the home, but are involved in all aspects of society. Women interact regularly, and in many contexts, with men; women often hold positions of responsibility, including having authority over men. Few today would agree with the notion that the honor of a woman is to remain in the privacy of her home. Few today would agree that women are or must be subservient to men.

2. If we are concerned lest men be erotically aroused by women?s body, hair, and voice, shouldn?t we also be concerned lest women be erotically aroused by men?s body, hair, and voice? Although halakhic sources spell out in detail the various restrictions on the manner of women?s dress and behavior, there is very little relating to men?s dress and behavior. The assumption is that men are far more passionate and uncontrollable than women. Whether or not this assumption is correct, it is surely not correct to assume that women lack strong sexual feelings for men. They are subject to erotic arousal by men?s manner of dress and behavior. Thus, all discussions of tseniut should deal with both sides of the equation, not just with women?s mode of dress and behavior.

3. If the rules of tseniut are to protect men from falling into sexual sin, why are most of the restrictions placed on women? The rules could have been formulated in an entirely different way. Since men are so passionate and women are so arousing, then men should cover their eyes in the presence of women and should avoid public places where women might be seen. If men have the problem, why should women be forced to pay the price for men?s weaknesses? Let the women conduct themselves as they wish, and let men guard themselves from falling prey to temptation!

The Philosophy of Tseniut and Its Technicalities

The philosophy of tseniut teaches self-respect, respect for others, and the importance of not treating oneself or others as objects. The goal of tseniut is to maintain human dignity, and to foster respectful and meaningful human relationships.
The technicalities of tseniut should aim at fulfilling the ideals of the philosophy of tseniut. In popular discussions of the subject, though, there often is a serious disconnect between philosophy and technicalities. Here are a few items that underscore the gap between the concept of tseniut and the technical halakhic rules that are supposed to foster tseniut.

1. ?Women?s hair is considered ervah, nakedness.? Normative halakha applies this statement only to married women. Single women need not cover their hair, since men are used to seeing them with uncovered hair and will not be aroused. Is this a valid argument? In olden times when girls were married off at an early age, this assumption may have held true. Seeing girls up to the age of early teens with uncovered hair may have been a normal feature of life, not generating untoward thoughts on the part of men. Yet, today most women do not get married while they are still children. If a woman in her 20s or 30s has her hair uncovered, what difference would it make to men whether she is single or married? Most men would not be able to tell whether such a woman is single or married. Yet, halakha allows the single woman to go bare-headed, while a married woman must cover her hair. If the purpose of head covering is to foster tseniut and to prevent men from looking at women?s ?nakedness,? then there is no substantial reason today to differentiate between married and single women. Either all women of marriageable age should cover their hair, or none of them need cover their hair because men are accustomed to seeing women with uncovered hair.5 Indeed, Rabbi Yosef Mesas rules that married women need not cover their hair in our days, since the normal practice of women in our society is to go with hair uncovered.6 He wrote: ?Since in our time all the women of the world have voided the previous practice and have returned to the simple practice of uncovering their hair, and there is nothing in this that constitutes brazenness or lack of modesty?therefore the prohibition of covering one?s hair has been lifted.?

2. ?Women?s hair is considered ervah.? Yet various posekim allow women to cover their own natural hair with a wig. As long as they have fulfilled the technicality of covering their hair, they are not in violation of halakha. In some circles, it is expected that married women wear wigs; if they do not do so, they are considered to be religiously deficient. Does this make any sense? Women will spend thousands of dollars to buy wigs that often look better than their own hair. They will wear these wigs, which can be quite attractive, and be considered to be within the laws of tseniut. However, if a woman ?wears? her own hair, in a modest fashion, such a woman is deemed (by many) to be in violation of halakha. If a woman?s hair is indeed nakedness, how can it possibly be permitted for them to wear wigs?also made of hair? Would anyone suggest that a woman is permitted to wear a skin-colored dress that is printed with the design of her private body parts? Of course not. Such clothing is obviously anti-tseniut. Likewise, if a woman?s hair is nakedness, covering it with a wig is anti-tseniut.

3. ?A woman?s voice is ervah.? This is generally applied to her singing voice, not to her usual speaking voice. But there are strong halakhic sources that permit men to hear women singing religious songs, or lullabies to their children, or other songs that have no erotic intent or content.7 When the prohibition of ?kol ishah? is applied to all instances of women singing in the presence of men, this is a distortion of the intent of the halakha. The prohibition forbids licentiousness. Moreover, it should be applied not only to men hearing lewd songs sung by women, but also to women hearing lewd songs sung by men. The concept of ?kol ish? is just as valid and just as important as ?kol ishah.? If men sing in a manner that is sexually provocative to women, this constitutes a breach in tseniut and a breach in holiness.

4. ?An uncovered tefah of a woman is nakedness.? Surely, it will be agreed that it is proper for women to cover the parts of their bodies that are particularly arousing to men. It should be equally agreed that men be required to cover parts of their bodies that are particularly arousing to women. But the real issue is not how long skirts and sleeves must be, nor how buttoned up a man?s shirt should be. Rather, the question is: What constitutes sexually provocative dress that is forbidden by the philosophy and rules of tseniut? A person might be covered from head to toe, and yet the clothing may be too tight, too clingy, too enticing. A person?s clothing might be entirely within the rules of tseniut, yet the person may use seductive gestures, facial expressions, or body movements. In many cases, an uncovered tefah of a woman (or a man) is not sexually arousing at all; rather it may be repulsive, an example of very bad taste. Likewise when people wear clothing that is too tight or too revealing. These are violations of tseniut, not because they are sexually arousing, but because they compromise one?s dignity?even if one does not want to realize this. They reflect a person?s conscious or subconscious desire to be seen as an object, rather than as a dignified person.

Confronting Reality

A number of tseniut rules in classic halakhic literature have come into conflict with changing societal realities. These rules have been modified or dropped by large groups of Torah-observant Jews. Here are a few examples.

1. ?Our sages commanded that a man must not teach his daughter Torah, since the intelligence of the majority of women is not geared to be instructed; rather, they reduce the words of Torah to matters of foolishness according to the poverty of their understanding. Our sages said: One who teaches his daughter Torah is as though he taught her foolishness. To what does this refer? To the Oral Torah; but as concerns the Written Torah, he should not teach her; but if he did teach her it is not as though he taught her foolishness. (Rambam, Hilkhot Talmud Torah 1:13)

Despite Rambam?s ruling, in many Orthodox schools today, girls/women do study Talmud. Indeed, Stern College for Women of Yeshiva University has an advanced program of Talmudic Studies for women, instituted with the blessing of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik. Programs for women who wish to pursue advanced study of Talmud and halakha have blossomed in the United States and Israel. Modern Orthodox institutions reject the assumption that women?s intelligence is unfit to absorb the wisdom of Talmud. Moreover, even if Hareidi schools do not teach girls/women Talmud, they do teach the Written Torah?in spite of Rambam?s ruling not to do so.

2. It is unseemly for a woman constantly to be going abroad and in the streets, and the husband should prevent his wife from this. He should not let her leave [home] except once or twice per month, according to the need. There is no beauty for a woman except in dwelling in the corner of her home, for so it is written, ?All the glory of the king?s daughter is within (Psalm 45:14)? (Rambam, Hilkhot Ishut 13:11).

Very few, if any, Orthodox communities today follow this halakha of the Rambam. Very few, if any, accept the notion that a woman should live most of her life in the confines of her own home.

3. An unmarried man may not teach children because of the mothers who bring their children [and we fear possible immoral thoughts or conduct between teacher and the children?s mothers]? A woman may not teach children because of the fathers who bring their children [and we fear possible immoral thoughts or conduct between teacher and the children?s fathers]. (Shulhan Arukh, Yoreh Deah, 245:20?21).

Few, if any, Orthodox schools follow this halakha. It is quite common for single men to teach in Day Schools and yeshivot. It is also quite prevalent for women to teach in Day Schools and yeshivot. Indeed, Hareidi girls? schools tend to encourage students to become teachers.

4. A man must distance himself from women very very much?It is forbidden to look at her beauty and even to smell perfume that is on her?It is forbidden to look at colorful clothes of a woman with whom he is acquainted, even when she isn?t wearing [these clothes], lest this lead him to think about her. If a man comes across a woman in the marketplace, it is forbidden for him to walk behind her; rather he should run so as to divert her to his side or behind him? One who looks even at a woman?s little finger with the intention of deriving pleasure from this, it is as though he looked at her private parts. It is forbidden to hear an ervah voice or look at her hair. One who intends to do any one of these things is subject to lashes [makatmardut]?. (Shulhan Arukh, Even haEzer 21:4).

In discussing the ruling that a man must run from a woman if he meets her in the market place, Rabbi Haim David Halevy asserted that this law refers to former times when women generally stayed home and were not often found walking in public. But in our day, many women walk in the public thoroughfares and marketplaces. If a man ran away every time he found a woman in front of him, people would think he was a fool. In his seeming piety, he would actually subject religion to ridicule in the eyes of the public. Rabbi Halevy concluded that a man who found himself walking behind a woman should simply try to keep his eyes from looking at her.8
The above examples demonstrate that there is a disconnect between various technical halakhot relating to tseniut, and the reality of the societal conditions in which we live. As a result, these halakhot?and others like them?have been generally modified or discarded among Torah-observant Jews. Sometimes apologetic explanations have been given and sometimes not.

Tseniut Today

We need to return to the underlying philosophy of tseniut: the expectation that we be holy, that we live dignified lives, that we not present ourselves as sexual objects. How these aims are actually fulfilled very much depends on the societal conditions in which we live. In ancient and medieval times, when women lived highly restricted lives, the rules of tseniut were applied accordingly. In our times, when women function openly and freely in society, the rules of tseniut also must be applied with this reality in mind.
The following are some proposed applications of the rules of tseniut in our modern societies:

1. Neither men nor women should dress, speak, or act in a licentious manner that will arouse the sexual attention of others. It is a violation of tseniut to wear skimpy, overly tight, or other clothing that is designed to highlight one?s sexuality.

2. It is proper for men and women to dress nicely, neatly, and modestly. It is fine to dress fashionably, as long as those fashions do not violate the philosophy of tseniut.

3. In our society, it is normal for upstanding and proper women to wear pants/pants suits; short sleeved dresses/blouses; clothes with colorful designs. Wearing these things is not a violation of tseniut, as long as these items are not fashioned in such a way as to highlight one?s sexuality.

4. Married women need not cover their hair, as long as their hair is maintained in a modest style. The wearing of wigs does not constitute a proper hair-covering for those married women who wish to cover their hair. Rather, such women should wear hats or other head coverings that actually cover their hair.

5. Men and women may sing in the presence of those of the other gender, as long as the songs are of a religious nature, or of a general cultural nature (e.g. opera, folk songs, lullabies). People should neither sing nor listen to songs that have vulgar language or erotic content that will lead to improper thoughts or behavior.

6. If a person dresses, speaks, and acts in a proper, dignified manner, it is not his/her responsibility if others are sexually aroused by him/her. That is their problem. It is their responsibility to control their thoughts and emotions, and/or to remove themselves from situations that they find to be sexually provocative.

7. Normal interactions between men and women are a feature of our societies. Women may serve in positions of authority over men, just as men may serve in positions of authority over women.9 The key point is this: holiness and tseniut should characterize all contexts where men and women mingle and work together. Co-ed youth groups and schools are permitted, but must be maintained with high standards of tseniut.10


Rabbi Avraham Shammah, who teaches at the Herzog Teachers? College in Israel, stated: ?Women and men should behave in a manner that reflects great respect for one another; they should not consider one another in a crude manner such as sexual objects; they should not dress provocatively, nor should their body language be provocative?.?11 This is a fine formulation of the guidelines of tseniut.

It makes little sense to pretend that our living conditions today are identical to those of antiquity and the middle ages. Women?s roles in society have changed radically. The interrelationships of men and women today are far more common and far more frequent than in former times. Fashions have changed dramatically. Definitions of brazenness and immodesty are far different today than they were in olden days. Recognizing these changes is essential to formulating a proper application of tseniut rules.

It must also be recognized, though, that modern-day fashions often reflect very non-tseniut standards. Clothing that is designed to be sexually provocative?low cut in front or back, dresses or skirts above knee-length, clothing that is too tight, men?s pants that are worn below the belt line, and so forth?are clearly in violation of the philosophy and rules of tseniut.

Our goal as thinking halakhic Jews is to be clear on our responsibility to be holy, and to treat ourselves and others as fellow human beings?not as sexual objects. When we live as tseniut human beings, we enhance our own dignity and the dignity we show to others. This is not an inconsiderable accomplishment.

Rabbi Marc D. Angel is Founder and Director of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, and Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Shearith Israel of New York City. He serves as Editor of the Institute's journal, Conversations.


1. See my book, Losing the Rat Race, Winning at Life, Urim Publications, Jerusalem, 2005, especially chapter 4.
2. Norman Lamm, ?Tseniut: A Universal Concept,? in Haham Gaon Memorial Volume, ed. M.D. Angel, Sephardic House and Sepher Hermon Press, New York, 1997, p. 155.
3. Yehuda Henkin, Understanding Tzniut, Urim Publications, Jerusalem, 2008.
4. I am not going into the discussion about improperly seeing or hearing women during one?s recitation of the Shema, nor distinctions between seeing or hearing one?s wife or other women.
5. See Rabbi Henkin?s discussion of hair-covering for women, pp. 29f; and article by Michael Broyde, ?Hair Covering and Jewish Law,? Tradition, Fall 2009, 42:3, pp.97-179. It is understood that married women must adhere to a higher standard of tseniut than single women, since married women are subject to the laws of adultery for illicit relations. Nonetheless, both married and unmarried women are bound by the rules of tseniut and obviously are not allowed to comport themselves in a way that will entice improper thoughts or deeds on the part of men who see them.
6. Rabbi Yosef Mesas, Mayyim Hayyim, vol. 2, no. 110.
7. For a discussion of sources relating to kol isha, see Saul Berman, ?Kol Isha,? in Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Memorial Volume, ed. Leo Landman, Ktav Publishing House, New York, 1980, pp. 45?66; and the responsum of Rabbi David Bigman, ?A New Analysis of Kol B?Isha Erva,? in the Responsa section of Michael Makovi collected many sources on the topic in his article ?A New Hearing for Kol Ishah,? in the Articles section of
8. H. D. Halevy, Mayyim Hayyim 2:45.
9. See Benzion Uziel, Piskei Uziel, Jerusalem, Mossad HaRav Kook, 5737, no. 44, where Rabbi Uziel argues that women may vote in elections, and may be elected to public office where they have authority over men.
10. See the excellent pamphlet by Rabbi Yuval Cherlow and Ron Hori, Hevra Sheleimah: Hevrah Tsenuah Me?orevet leKhathila,? published by Neemanei Torah vaAvodah and HaKibbutz HaDati, Tel Aviv, 2011.
Rabbi Shammah?s paper was originally published in Hebrew and can be found at It was published in English in the bulletin of JOFA.


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