Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Performing arts are more than just entertainment | Arbiter Online

The cast of Hamlet rehearsing for the the show. (Cody Finney/ The Arbiter)

Turn off your smartphone, unplug your iPod, step away from the TV and head to the Morrison Center for a different entertainment experience: the performing arts.

Boise State?s performing arts department is housed in the Morrison Center. A hub of creative endeavors, Idaho?s ?premier performing arts center? sits at the west end of campus and hosts more than 100 performances each year.

Marla Hansen, associate professor in the department of theatre arts, said the performing arts are different than the entertainment people typically consume.

?When you go to something live, you are experiencing a once-in-a-lifetime moment with other people and just that feeling of camaraderie and that everybody is listening and experiencing a common event is really part of what makes us human,? Hansen said. ?I think that is almost spiritual.?

?(Performing arts) are a form of expression?human expression?and the live performing arts, in particular, are a communal experience as opposed to watching TV,? Morrison Center Executive Director James Patrick said.

Robert Tobari, a sophomore theater major, said in addition to actors and performers, audiences take on a role in live performances. Rather than simple observers, the audience becomes part of the performance, lending enthusiasm and energy. The personality and dynamic of the audience can alter the performance, making it better or more difficult for the actors to convey messages.

?It definitely changes how the performance is thought of,? Tobari said.

And there?s more to the performing arts than just entertainment.

?Art, no matter what form it takes?whether it?s performing arts or visual arts? they really reflect human society, our beliefs, they make a statement about what?s important to us a culture, as a civilization,? Patrick said.

Patrick also said the arts are something people lean on when studying history and the progress of great civilizations.

He went on to say the shared values of society are reflected in art ?whether it?s visual art, plays, music, architecture. So I think that that says something very particular about the value of art in society why it?s important that as we continue to have a performing arts center like this (Morrison Center). In a few hundred years, our society will be studied in relation to the art we produce and consume.? It is a reflection of our time and humanity.?

People find value in the performing arts because they not only point to important values, but they also expose people to new ideas about the past and future.

Hansen said they ?give us moments to think about what?s going on right now or give us thoughts about where are we going ,what are we going to do next? I think that it enlightens people.?

Patrick said people find more joy and pleasure from attending events than buying material things.

?It?s something that brings happiness,? Patrick said.

The Morrison Center offers students free admission to certain performances or discounted ticket prices on many shows.

?We try to make sure that students can come to an event here ? it?s there and available to people and hopefully they?re taking part in it,? Patrick said.

For students who haven?t attended a live performance or experienced the performing arts, Tobari offers up some advice?enjoy it.

Short URL: http://arbiteronline.com/?p=80655

Source: http://arbiteronline.com/2012/02/06/performing-arts-are-more-than-just-entertainment/

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