Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Is magnetic therapy effective for tinnitus?

ScienceDaily (Sep. 18, 2012) ? Loyola University Medical Center is studying whether a new form of non-invasive magnetic therapy can help people who suffer debilitating tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

The therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), sends short pulses of magnetic fields to the brain. TMS has been approved since 2009 for patients who have major depression and have failed at least one antidepressant.

The Loyola study will include patients who suffer from both depression and tinnitus. Recent studies have found that about 12 percent of people with chronic tinnitus also suffer depression and anxiety -- a rate three times higher than that of the general population.

Tinnitus is the perception of sound in one or both ears when there is no external source. It can include ringing, hissing, roaring, whistling, chirping or clicking. About 50 million Americans have at least some tinnitus; 16 million seek medical attention and about 2 million are seriously debilitated, according to the American Tinnitus Association. There is no cure.

The perception of phantom sounds can be more pronounced in people who are depressed. Moreover, antidepressant medications can cause tinnitus occasionally, said Dr. Murali Rao, principal investigator of Loyola's TMS tinnitus study.

Several earlier studies have found that TMS can benefit tinnitus patients. Loyola's study is the first to examine patients who suffer from both tinnitus and depression. "The combination of these two conditions can be extremely debilitating," Rao said.

During TMS treatment, the patient reclines in a comfortable padded chair. A magnetic coil, placed next to the left side of the head, sends short pulses of magnetic fields to the surface of the brain. This produces currents that stimulate brain cells. The currents, in turn, affect mood-regulatory circuits deeper in the brain. The resulting changes in the brain appear to be beneficial to patients who suffer depression. Each treatment lasts 35 to 40 minutes.

The study will enroll 10 to 15 patients. Each patient will receive five treatments a week for four to six weeks, for a total of 20 to 30 treatments. Each patient will be evaluated by a physician three times during the treatment course, or more frequently if the doctor deems necessary.

The treatments do not require anesthesia or sedation. Afterward, a patient can immediately resume normal activities, including driving. Studies have found that patients do not experience memory loss or seizures. Side effects include mild headache or tingling in the scalp, which can be treated with Tylenol.

Rao is chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences of Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine. His co-investigator in the study is Sam Marzo, MD, medical director of Loyola's Balance and Hearing Center. Other investigators are Matthew Niedzwiecki, MD, a psychiatry resident; and James Sinacore, PhD, a statistician.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Loyola University Health System, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/mind_brain/mental_health/~3/ewazQZO71oE/120918184754.htm

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Obama campaign seizes on Romney 'victims' video


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Saturday, September 15, 2012

News and Society Blog-Environmental Info: The Lowest US Carbon ...

Well, we are constantly being told by global warming alarmists that mankind's output of CO2 is causing ambient atmospheric temperatures to rise on the surface of our planet causing irreversible and irreconcilable challenges of a future climate cliff. Whereas AGW theory, and it is a theory, sounds at least remotely plausible it turns out that there is quite a bit of data to the contrary and I'd like to give you just one example if I might.

There was a recent study put out which showed that US carbon emissions output is the lowest in over 20 years. Alternative Energy need not take a victory lap, nor should the global warming alarmist carbon trading folks take credit for this because if there is less CO2 it is because we are using less coal to generate electricity as we are using more natural gas because it is cheaper. Natural gas also puts out far less greenhouse emissions. Why do we have so much natural gas and why is it cheaper you ask?

Well, it is cheaper because of supply and demand, and the supply has grown astronomically due to new fracking techniques which is an innovation which happened in the fossil fuel industry. It was not funded by the Department of Energy, nor did it have anything whatsoever to do with the global warming alarmists, or the environmentalists. It was a solution which was achieved by free-market capitalism without any intervention from the government. In fact the government did everything it could to prevent unlocking this huge resource of natural gas.

In other words everything that the government has done to try to solve the global warming problem, which really isn't a problem at all because a 1 to 2 degree Fahrenheit increase in the ambient temperature is well within the normal climate cycles of planet Earth, if not within the probability of error (margin of error) in the actual readings over the last 150 years. We've spent an ungodly amount of money propping up alternative energy to no avail.

The reason there is less CO2 in the atmosphere is due to our switch to natural gas, not due to more solar panels or wind farms, as they couldn't possibly have had that large of an effect because they only produce about 1 to 2% of our total energy usage in the United States. Maybe it's time that we got a real energy policy based on real science and not fabricated data from global warming alarmists, most of which started out of Europe and the co-conspirators would love to see our US industrial base move to their shores. It's time to stop playing games and pretending, it is time to make policy based on the reality.

This is something that free-market capitalism is very good at as we've been able to solve almost every problem from feeding starving Africans to creating the greatest nation on earth with the most abundance. Maybe it's time we tell the environmental socialists; "thank you very much for your time, but you're no longer needed in our policymaking decisions." Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Environmental Recycling. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net

Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert

Source: http://newsandsocietyblog-environmentalinfo.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-lowest-us-carbon-emissions-output.html

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Video: Former Sen. Alan Simpson critical of Republican Party

A Second Take on Meeting the Press: From an up-close look at Rachel Maddow's sneakers to an in-depth look at Jon Krakauer's latest book ? it's all fair game in our "Meet the Press: Take Two" web extra. Log on Sundays to see David Gregory's post-show conversations with leading newsmakers, authors and roundtable guests. Videos are available on-demand by 12 p.m. ET on Sundays.

Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032608/vp/49036397#49036397

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Norene Gilletz's Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup - Healthy Recipe

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of interviewing cookbook author Norene Gilletz. Norene lives in Toronto, Canada. She?s the author of some well known cookbooks, including The New Food Processor Bible, Norene?s Healthy Kitchen, Healthy Helpings, and several other dietary cookbooks. Norene is known for her healthy Jewish and kosher cooking; her site Gourmania.com is a popular resource for recipes, cooking advice, and more. She also has a fun cooking group online called Norene?s Kitchen, which is where I first ?met? her online. I had a great time speaking with her on the phone and getting to know her better. The interview appears below.

After the interview, you?ll find Norene?s recipe for?Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup from The New Food Processor Bible. It?s a healthy soup with a lightly sweet and fresh flavor, including fresh herbs, honey (you can omit the honey to make it completely vegan), and a touch of lemon juice.


What?s your ancestry Norene?

My mother was born in Russia. My father?s family came from Poland.

How long ago?

My mother came when she was 6, so in about 1921. My father was born in Winnipeg. My mother passed. She?d be 98 today, so almost 100 years. She never needed a recipe. She could cook anything.

When you were growing up and celebrating Rosh Hashanah with your family, what were your favorite dishes that your mom made?

My mother always made potato knishes and carrots and honey cake. Some sort of chicken. The joke was, well my mother didn?t really go to shul, she sent us with my father. So my mother would say, ?your bubbe is going to ask you what I made, so tell her that I made roast chicken.? And I?d say, ?but Mama, you didn?t, how can I tell a lie?? And she?d say that my grandmother would expect to hear that she made roast chicken, so tell her that. She?d always make a carrot dish that I have the recipe for somewhere. She made honeycake with buckwheat honey, because it had a different flavor. And she always made her honeycake with tea, not coffee. I remember the buckwheat honey was very thick. And I don?t really have her recipe, I just take my recipe and modify it. I remember in my mind how my mother made it.

So would you say your mom was a major influence on your culinary career.

Absolutely. Without a doubt.

Norene, you?re the master of the food processor. Your book,?The Food Processor Bible, was recently released in a 30th?anniversary edition. How did you get into the whole food processor thing?

Years and years ago, I was part of a committee that did a fundraising cookbook called?Second Helpings Please. We were all in our 20s, and we were really trying to capture our mother?s and our grandmother?s recipes to put them into print. We thought it would take us about 3-4 months to collect everything, and it took about 3.5 years. So we worked hard to promote the book, and as a result people would call me asking how do you make this, how do you do that? so I was cooking and baking a lot. Then I went to a trade show and saw the food processor in action. I had started writing my own cookbook, everyone was saying ?you should do something yourself,? and I felt I could. I had lots of energy and nobody could keep me down. So by then I had done about half a book. You know, all of my favorite kinds of recipes? and I met my first food processor. After about a month of using the machine, I thought, you know what? I?ve got this thing mastered, and I can do things quickly and efficiently, and it just saved time. My mother was always looking for shortcuts. She had a little hand grater, she had a hand-turning-thing where you would change the disc, almost like a meat grinder. I forget what they called it. But suddenly here was this food processor, and the results were fabulous. And the machines were so simple to use. So I took all of my recipes and converted them for the food processor.

I?m curious about what drew you to a career in cooking.?

When I was working on the fundraising book, I leaned that I could explain recipes very clearly, so that people could reproduce them. I had taught swimming when I was in my teens, so I was very good at presenting visual images. In my own learning pattern, if I would have a visual image, then it was very easy for me. Everything I write has a visual image, because otherwise I don?t understand the instructions myself. Because of that, my instructions are very clear. The deficit made me a much better writer. And I love food. I was very fascinated by how things were made. Everything was new. I had an instinct for a good recipe; I just knew it was good. I knew how to capture it and write it down. There were no computers then. When we did Second Helpings, we typed the recipes on 4 x 6 cards. And then we made a binder, and I kept moving things around. You know the little photo holders? Every time we got a new recipe, I kept having to move everything all the way down to add to a section. I love to teach and share. I was always bringing things to my kids? school, and I was very involved the community. I cooked all the time and I was brought up that you prepared it at home. My mother would come to visit or I would go to Winnipeg and watch how she made things.

When did you decide that food would be your life?s work?

I joined the IACP. There were no cooking classes available in Montreal. I went to an IACP conference, and I met people who understood me. My friends thought I was crazy because all I was interested in talking about was how you make this thing or that. And when I went to IACP, everybody understood what I was about. I had people I could talk to. I wasn?t interested in playing games or tennis. That just didn?t ring my chimes at all. I love the art of creating. You know, I watched Julia Child, learned how to make puff pastry. I used to go in the kitchen after my kids were asleep and cut onions different ways, and I would make onion blooms with different garnishes. I?m left handed, so I had challenges in learning how to do things that were pretty or fancy. I?m not a fancy cook, but I write very clearly. If I give you a recipe, it works. My conscience knows it?s right. When I try other people?s recipes, I know the error. I just know. I create a visual image when I write, when I edit my own work or anybody else?s work, and I can find an error in a book like you wouldn?t imagine.

You obviously love to teach and share your cooking knowledge. I?ve noticed that some people are protective of their recipes. Can you relate to that at all? Do you have a few recipes that you will never share because they?re so special, or are you an open book?

I always share, and I?ll tell you why I share. A woman told me a story about a dozen years ago about her father?s bakery in Winnipeg, which is where I grew up. And I remember going to that bakery as a little girl and I remember the smell of everything, you know that wonderful yeasty smell? I?d go in with my mother and it was such a good sensation to be able to smell everything? the warm baked goods on the walk home. So, she told me her father owned the bakery, and his head baker had a bread recipe that he would never share? and then he died. What?s the point of knowing something? I know some people have these secret ingredients that they would never share. Like my aunt made these amazing cinnamon buns, and she used real butter, and her technique with the yeast was so incredible. She could pull dough so thin you could really read the newspaper through it. And I would tell my aunt her cinnamon buns were so good, and my mother would ask what was wrong with her cinnamon buns. Like it was a competition. So people cooked their trademark dish. And there was an issue with people taking their recipe and turning it into a commercial product. It?s an issue of intellectual property. You know, it doesn?t matter what the recipe is., if someone gives you a recipe there?s always something missing or changed. I don?t do that, though. I like sharing.

I always think of recipes as being short stories. And people often do share. They?re looking for a taste memory, because a memory of food will literally transport you back to that table as a child or whenever. There?s a group called Montreal Memories and they go into these raptures about food they remember from their childhood. I remember cherries from when I was 3 or 4 years old with my zayde (grandfather). I don?t remember much else, but that he smelled like tobacco and the cherries. The cherries bring back a strong memory. Me sitting on the grass and wiggling my toes. It?s an old one.

If you could pick one food that?s your favorite in the world, what would it be?

Kasha. I love the fried onions. I usually cook one box of kasha with one egg. I love the aroma. I?ll double the amount of liquid. And lots and lots of fried onions that are nice and crispy golden brown. I cook them in olive oil, and sometimes I put mushrooms in. I?ll make a meal from it. Kasha and bowties, or any type of pasta that I might have. My bubbe used to make handmade dough. She would make a pasta dough, roll it out and cut it into squares and boil it very quickly. And I like matzo balls. I like all of my old traditional stuff. My tastes have changed. I can?t eat a lot of the heavy stuff anymore. I?ll have a steak once in a while. I like a good salami sandwich, but not very often. Growing up we always had a dried salami hanging in the closet next to the broom. Now I can?t eat it the same way because of all of the salt. It?s a treat. I eat a lot of vegetarian. I love a dairy kugel or a vegetable kugel. I like potato latkes. And I love to share food with friends.


After interviewing Norene, I decided to make a recipe from one of her most popular cookbooks, The Food Processor Bible. While the recipe isn?t specifically a Rosh Hashanah dish, it incorporates sweet, natural flavors like carrot, sweet potato, and honey. It?s very low fat and healthy (like many of Norene?s recipes), with a lovely garden-fresh flavor from the addition of fresh dill and basil.?Norene says:

?This easy, nutritious soup is packed with beta-carotene. You can use a combination of carrots and squash for a tasty variation.?

This soup would make a nutritious addition to the Rosh Hashanah menu. It?s also a great option for Sukkot because of the beautiful autumn color and the inclusion of seasonal root vegetables. Enjoy!

Servings: 10

Kosher Key: Pareve


  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 slice fresh ginger, peeled (about 1 tbsp)
  • 1 large onion, cut in chunks
  • 1-2 stalks celery, cut in chunks
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 1/2 lbs carrots, cut in chunks (4 cups)
  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • 1 medium potato
  • 8 cups water or vegetable broth
  • 2 tsp salt (or to taste)
  • Freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp fresh basil
  • 2 tbsp fresh dill
  • 1-2 tbsp fresh lemon juice (or to taste)
  • 1-2 tbsp honey (or to taste - omit to make soup vegan)
  • Sprigs of fresh dill for garnish (optional)

You will also need

  • Food processor, large soup pot, immersion blender (optional- recommended)

Prep Time: 20 Minutes

Cook Time: 35 Minutes

Total Time: 55 Minutes

  • Place the steel blade on your food processor. Drop garlic and ginger through feed tube while machine is running.
  • Process until minced. (Use mini-bowl and mini-blade if available) Set aside.
  • Process onion and celery with quick on-off pulses, until coarsely chopped.
  • Heat oil in large soup pot. Saute onion and celery for 6 or 7 minutes, until tender, stirring occasionally. Add a little water if the vegetables begin to stick.
  • Process carrots with quick on/off pulses, until coarsely chopped.
  • Add to soup pot along with reserved garlic and ginger; cook 2 minutes longer.
  • Coarsely chop potato and sweet potatoes. Add to soup pot along with water or broth, salt and pepper.
  • Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, partially covered, for about 30 minutes, until vegetables are tender.
  • Process basil and dill until minced, about 10 seconds. Reserve.
  • When the vegetables are nice and tender, puree the soup. Because of the quantity, it is easiest to use an immersion blender and puree the soup directly in the pot.
  • Alternatively, to puree soup in processor, place a strainer over a large bowl or saucepan. Strain soup, reserve cooking liquid. Puree solids on the steel blade attachment until smooth, working in batches if necessary. Stir pureed vegetables into the reserved cooking liquid.
  • Add minced basil, dill, lemon juice and honey to the soup (I used the immersion blender to blend them into the puree). Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add additional water if the soup is too thick.
  • Serve hot. Garnish with a sprig of fresh dill, if desired. Keeps 3 days in the refrigerator. Reheats and/or freezes well.

Source: http://theshiksa.com/2012/09/14/norene-gilletzs-carrot-and-sweet-potato-soup/

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

News Summary: Japan hints at nuclear-free policy


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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Google Brings Back Its ?Power Searching? Online Lessons

103113529_f56de8c39d_z (1)Some people are Googling rockstars. No matter what you want to find out, they can pull it up in a search result. Even though Google wants to make searching easy, there are tips and tricks to becoming an absolute pro at search. The company has a program called "Power Searching", which is a series of online tutorials and classes to teach you how to be the best searcher ever. The last time this program was run was a few months ago, and it was apparently a success because Google is starting it up again.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/0pCAhcBq_3Y/

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Monday, September 10, 2012

Lifeguards mount protest after being fired over Gangnam parody video

Fourteen employees at an El Monte, Calif., aquatic park are organizing an effort to get their jobs back after they were fired for filming a parody video they say was meant to highlight how much they loved working at their jobs.

In the video, a group of lifeguards dances in humorous choreographed moves in an homage to the "Gangnam Style" video that has become a huge viral sensation online, with more than 130,000,000 views. However, the city of El Monte did not see the humor in the video, titled "Lifeguard Style," firing all of the lifeguards who participated and the pool's manager. City officials said they had violated the El Monte Aquatic Center's uniform policy.

The fired employees have launched their own Facebook page, "Bring back the 14 El Monte lifeguards," and a petition on change.org that has already gathered several thousand signatures. They say they plan to petition the city for their jobs back at the next city council meeting. "We 14 were terminated due to 'at-will' employment. Employees who did not participate in our video but were merely caught in the background were fired. One manager who did not appear in the video at all was also fired," the group wrote on its Facebook page. "Had the city asked us to take down the video, we would have complied. Had they asked us to edit the video, we would have complied. However, termination was the first and only option. El Monte now has bad publicity instead of what could have been free promotion of a beautiful facility with a dedicated and fun staff."

In the meantime, the lifeguards' video has become something of a hit on its own, generating nearly 500,000 views since it was first posted.

A statement from the city reads in part: "There was a clear unauthorized use of city resources and property, including the use of city-issued uniforms during the making of this unauthorized video. The city maintains that it holds all employees to a higher standard."

The employees note that they were off the clock when they filmed the video and that the pool was closed at the time. But most of all, they say they are baffled over why they would be fired for doing something fun that they believed would bring positive attention to the aquatic center.

"I thought maybe just a write-up or a suspension, not that I'd be asked to leave," lifeguard Daniel Surmenian told KCAL9. "We did know about the uniform policy. I guess 'fun' was our personal benefit; there really was no other gain." Some of the recently fired employees from the "Lifeguard Style" video (change.org) Interestingly, the original "Gangnam Style" video itself began as a parody. The song's creator Psy wrote it as a tongue-in-cheek take on the affluent Gangnam District in his native South Korea. Since its debut, the song has spawned a number of imitators. Just last week, we reported on a Gangnam parody video starring a goldfish. You can watch the lifeguard's original "Lifeguard Style" video below:

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/lifeguards-fired-over-gangnam-parody-video-video-172508877.html

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Pets Help the Elderly Live Longer, Healthier and HappierCALL ...

Pets Help the Elderly Live Longer, Healthier and Happier?

There?s no disputing animals have always had a positive impact on their owners? lives. Now, evidence suggests four-legged friends are a real health benefit for elderly people, helping them live longer, healthier and happier lives.

Pets Encourage Seniors to Stay Active

The general care associated with a pet can help seniors live more energetic lives. As any pet owner knows, animals need attention and keep us active?whether we want to be or not. Pets help seniors establish routines?and get them to do things they might not normally do, such as getting outside and walking their dog or changing their cat?s litter box, feeding, grooming or playing with their pet.

Pets Make Great Companions for Seniors

Pets can give an elderly person a great sense of self and help increase self-esteem since pets need and rely on their owners for virtually every aspect of their care. Seniors also benefit from the unconditional love and affection their pets give them.

Just the very presence of a pet provides camaraderie to seniors, helping them realize they are not alone. Additionally, having a pet?especially a dog?can give seniors a great sense of safety just by the barking which can keep unwanted visitors away.

Pets Help Our Hearts

Studies show that older pet-owning citizens have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels than non-owners, helping to reduce their risk for heart disease and decrease their number of visits to the doctor. Additionally, a number of other studies suggest that pet owners have a better chance for long-term survival after surviving a coronary event than non-pet owners.

Pets Help the Elderly Overcome Depression and Loneliness

According to a study in the Journal of

the American Geriatrics Society, caring for a cat or dog helps elderly people overcome depression or loneliness. Whether that be from the loss of a loved one, not having family or friends nearby to interact with, or not being able to get out much, having a fluffy friend gives older citizens a sense of purpose since they have to take care of their pet and think about things other than their own problems.

Even for elderly patients in nursing homes, animal-assisted therapy has shown to help patients decrease their anxiety levels and give them something to look forward to.

Christina Miller, a former convalescent home activities director in Southport, N.C., says she witnessed the positive impact animals had on elderly patients when a local animal shelter made weekly visits to her facility. ?Residents who normally weren?t active were

suddenly getting up, petting and talking to the cats and dogs, smiling and interacting,? she says. ?Patients would ask me, ?Are the dogs here? Did they come yet?? Half the patients had better reactions to the dogs and cats than they did to people.?

The positive impact animals have on people?especially the elderly ? is tremendous. So much so that there are organizations such as the Pets for the Elderly Foundation, a non-profit organization, that specifically places dogs and cats into the homes of senior citizens, helping them overcome loneliness.

Overall, pets have a positive effect on their senior companions, and benefit health-wise from their very presence.

Excerpted from: www.petsfortheelderly.org/articles.html

Published in The Senior?s Choice? ? Family First Summer ?09 Newsletter?



Source: http://familyfirsthomecare.com/blog/2012/09/pets-help-the-elderly-live-longer-healthier-and-happier/

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Sinister Deeds on Daemon Lane

This roleplay is set on Daemon Lane, an idyllic suburban neighborhood where twenty families live. Each family faces some kind of turmoil, with or without other characters. Creating a storyline is the basis of this roleplay.


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[Toombs darts for the gun rack which he finds to be empty while Riddick smiles]
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Sunday, September 9, 2012

12 in '12: Miller, Nellie 10 more enter hoops Hall

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (AP) ? Reggie Miller wasn't always the biggest name in his own family. On Friday night, he was the top star in the biggest basketball Hall of Fame class in half a century.

The former UCLA and Indiana Pacers star was inducted in the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, joining sister Cheryl as the first brother-sister pair in the Springfield shrine. Cheryl Miller, a two-time NCAA tournament MVP at Southern California and 1995 Hall inductee, was on stage to welcome him.

"I just so happened to live across the hall from absolutely, positively the greatest women's basketball player ever," Miller said as his sister stood by with tears in her eyes. "I'm proud to say I am not on this stage if it wasn't for you, Cheryl Deann. We rode your shoulders all the way here. So thank you for your help."

It was a big night for UCLA, which also had Don Barksdale and Jamaal Wilkes in the 12-person class of 2012, and for the Indiana Pacers. Two-time ABA Most Valuable Player Mel Daniels also was inductedl, though illness presented him from attending the ceremony at Springfield Symphony Hall.

As the biggest name, Miller was the last to the stage ? fitting for a man considered one of the most clutch players in NBA history. He said that it was fitting that he was honored after Daniels, allowing the ABA's career rebounding leader to become the Pacers' first player in the Hall.

"They set the standard for what all great Pacers team have achieved," said Miller, who spent his entire 18-year career with Indiana.

Miller, who was introduced for induction by his sister along with Magic Johnson and Charles Barkley, retired as the most prolific 3-point shooter in NBA history, making 2,560 in his career for a record that stood until Ray Allen surpassed it in 2011.

That's not counting the playoffs, when he built his reputation for performing under pressure.

His signature moment was perhaps the 1995 playoff game against the New York Knicks when he scored eight points in 8.9 seconds. On the Hall stage, Miller finally admitted that he shoved Greg Anthony and held him on the ground before the steal that set up the second of his back-to-back 3-pointers.

"Like Magic said, 'By any means necessary,'" Miller said, offering a similar admission to pushing Michael Jordan in the 1998 playoffs. "Yeah, Michael, I did shove you, too. But I've seen you do it so many times to so many players, so I figured it was OK."

Also honored on Friday night were Don Nelson, the winningest coach in NBA history; three-time NCAA player of the year Ralph Sampson; Nike co-founder Phil Knight; the All-American Redheads, known as the female Harlem Globetrotters; seven-time NBA All-Star Chet Walker; two-time Olympic gold medalist Katrina McClain; former Soviet women's coach Lidia Alexeeva; and longtime NCAA referee Hank Nichols.

Knight ran through some of the company's biggest advertising campaigns: George Gervin sitting on a throne of ice; Spike Lee's "It's got to be the shoes" commercials with Jordan; Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood; Li'l Penny Hardaway and Barkley's "I am not a role model."

"I'm just glad he made me a part of the whole process," Jordan said in an introductory video. "Ask any of those guys, not just me, and the impact that he's had on their career has been huge."

LeBron James and Ken Griffey Jr. were in the audience at Springfield Symphony Hall to support him. Jordan and former Georgetown coach John Thompson were Knight's presenters.

Knight, a gym rat who didn't realize there was a contributors' category until he became a member of it, acknowledged the role the players had in his success.

Especially Jordan.

"His magic made him a brand," Knight said, adding that Jordan's division at Nike sells more now than when he was a player. "He is to the sporting goods industry what Nathan Hale, Patrick Henry, Che Guevara and Mao Tse Tung were to world politics."

Nelson also gave James a shoutout in his speech, congratulating him for leading the Miami Heat to the NBA championship. "I know the feeling when I won the first one," Nelson said.

Nelson won five NBA titles as a Boston Celtics player and then spent 31 years as a coach, winning an all-time best 1,335 games on the bench in Milwaukee, Golden State, New York and Dallas. He has since retired and moved to Hawaii, where he runs a coffee shop and shaved ice stand.

"Hopefully, this will be the last tuxedo I'll be wearing," he said. "There is life after basketball. Come out and have a cup of coffee with me in Maui."


Follow Jimmy Golen on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/jgolen .

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/12-12-miller-nellie-10-more-enter-hoops-004018738--spt.html

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cowboys romp past Giants 24-17 to open season

Fans watch as Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Kevin Ogletree celebrates scoring a touchdown during the second half of an NFL football game against the New York Giants, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

Fans watch as Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Kevin Ogletree celebrates scoring a touchdown during the second half of an NFL football game against the New York Giants, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Kevin Ogletree (85) scores a touchdown as New York Giants strong safety Kenny Phillips (21) defends during the second half of an NFL football game, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Bill Kostroun)

New York Giants strong safety Kenny Phillips (21) reacts as Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Kevin Ogletree (85) celebrates catching a touchdown pass during the second half of an NFL football game, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

Dallas Cowboys wide receiver Kevin Ogletree celebrates after catching a touchdown pass during the first half of an NFL football game against the New York Giants, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

New York Giants running back Ahmad Bradshaw (44) rushes away from Dallas Cowboys' Morris Claiborne (24) for a touchdown during the second half of an NFL football game, Wednesday, Sept. 5, 2012, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (AP) ? Jason Witten was supposed to stay home. Kevin Ogletree was supposed to be a bit player.

And the replacement officials were supposed to be a fiasco.

Instead, Witten provided the inspiration by playing weeks after lacerating his spleen, third wideout Ogletree made the big plays, and the officials had a mostly quiet night in the NFL's season opener.

The Cowboys waited all year for another shot at the New York Giants, and when they got it Wednesday night, they were relentless in a 24-17 victory that really wasn't that close.

"We executed on offense and defense when we needed to," Tony Romo said after throwing for three touchdowns and 307 yards. "We put them in a hole. Our job was to keep the pedal down, to not let up because you know what kind of team they have over there."

Not a good enough team this night as the Giants lost for the first time since Game 15 of last season. Part of their six-game winning streak that earned them a fourth Super Bowl title last winter was a win over Dallas on New Year's Day to take the NFC East. New York did everything right back then, and very little right in becoming the first NFL champion to lose the now-traditional midweek kickoff game in its nine-year existence.

"I don't think we played up to our potential at all," defensive end Osi Umenyiora said. "Obviously they were prepared and they fought, and all the credit in the world goes to that team. They played a very good game today."

And the field officials did their part. It was feared they would be a big factor with the league's lockout of the regulars. But there were no controversies, no blatant mistakes or rampant confusion.

"No problems, just as we said there wouldn't be," league executive Ray Anderson said at halftime. Nothing changed in the second half.

Many Cowboys credited Witten's presence with lifting their spirits and their performance.

"Sometimes you don't care about yourself, you go out and play for the guys," DeMarcus Ware said. "It was emotional. We were all behind him when he said he would play."

Witten, who had two catches for 10 yards, didn't think it was such a big deal.

"I think and hope every other player on our team would do the same thing," he said. "At this point in your career, you want that mentality to leave it all out there."

DeMarco Murray rushed for 129 yards and the defense sacked Eli Manning three times.

For Ogletree, the night was a special homecoming.

"I felt really good when I woke up this morning, I had great meetings, got to go see my brother," said Ogletree, who grew up in the New York borough of Queens. "Really good vibes today."

When the Cowboys were threatened late ? a spot in which they often have folded against the Giants ? Romo hit Ogletree for 15 yards on third down to clinch it. That gave Ogletree 114 yards on eight catches; he had 25 receptions for 294 yards and no scores entering the game.

"I'm close to home, so it's a good feeling," Ogletree said. "But Dallas is my home now."

On his 40-yard TD, Ogletree broke free by thoroughly fooling New York's top cornerback, Corey Webster to start the second half ? the kind of big play the Cowboys couldn't make enough of in that Jan. 1 showdown that ended their season. And they got another huge play from Murray, who broke two tackles in the backfield, scooted down the right sideline for 48 yards, and set up Dan Bailey's 33-yard field goal for a 17-10 lead through three quarters.

After Manning connected with former Cowboys tight end Martellus Bennett for a 9-yard touchdown with 2:36 remaining, Dallas never gave the ball back.

"Take a bite out of humble pie, that's basically what it is," Giants coach Tom Coughlin said. "It brings you right back down to earth."

Ahmad Bradshaw, scored on a 10-yard run for New York after receiver Domenik Hixon made a spectacular leaping grab for 39 yards over two defenders.

Romo hit Bryant in stride over Webster down the right sideline for a 38-yard gain on third down in the second quarter. Two plays later, he sidestepped the pass rush and lobbed to a wide-open Ogletree for a 10-yard score that made it 7-3 at halftime.

"We're judged by winning and losing," Romo said, "so the best thing was going on the road and getting a win. Not only a win, but it was against a division rival and obviously against the world champs. I don't know how many times teams go in and beat them in that first game of the year. It's a tough atmosphere, a tough game. Our team grinded it out and did good."

NOTES: Dallas is 35-17-1 in openers, best mark in the NFL. ... LB Sean Lee made 10 tackles to lead the Cowboys. ... Manning wound up 21 of 32 for 213 yards in the Giants' first loss since Game 14 of last season. ... Cowboys starting center Phil Costa aggravated a back injury that kept him out of most of the preseason. He was replaced by Ryan Cook. ... Giants cornerback Michael Coe left the game with a hamstring injury, the fourth Giants cornerback hurt this summer.


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Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/347875155d53465d95cec892aeb06419/Article_2012-09-06-Cowboys-Giants/id-b922bc0331f945c5984619581d15b890

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Partaking in conventions, conferences or social organizations.

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Taking short classes.

Getting medical treatment.

For voluntary programs directed by charitable establishments.

Wedding invitation

Details about the wedding arrangements.


Invitation letter.

Details about the graduation day

Letter from school regarding the graduation day.

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Thursday Morning Wisconsin Sports Report

Posted Thursday, September 6, 2012 --- 7:55 a.m.

Here is the latest Wisconsin sports news from The Associated Press:

MIAMI (AP) -- Rickie Weeks homered twice and drove in four runs last night in the Milwaukee Brewers' 8-5 win over the Miami Marlins. Corey Hart also had a home run and four RBIs for the Brewers. John Axford pitched the ninth for his 25th save.

GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) -- Packers receiver Greg Jennings enters the season uncertain about his long-term future in Green Bay. Jennings' contract is up at the end of the year, and he acknowledges that he could possibly be playing somewhere else next season. Jennings says he would love to stay in Green Bay, but "if I'm not, it is what it is."

GREEN BAY, Wis. (AP) -- Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers acknowledges a lack of depth on the offensive line. Rodgers says the offensive line is probably "a little thinner" than in years past. The Packers take on the San Francisco 49ers in Sunday's season opener.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- Wisconsin No. 1 receiver Jared Abbrederis is trying to keep the same walk-on mindset that helped him climb to the top of the depth chart. Abbrederis expects to get more attention from opposing defenses after catching two touchdowns in the Badgers season opener. Wisconsin faces Oregon State on Saturday.

Copyright 2012. The Associated Press.

Source: http://www.nbc15.com/sports/headlines/Thursday-Morning-Wisconsin-Sports-Report-168752946.html

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